Non spoiler dark souls 3 endings
Non spoiler dark souls 3 endings

non spoiler dark souls 3 endings

Then, after another failure, I got a new screen. The game kept asking me if I wanted to give up and I kept ignoring it to press on. I was at it for a while but was getting nowhere. I was getting so far only to fail time and again but I didn’t want to give up. It starts of fairly easy but rapidly gets harder until the screen is basically a wall of bullets. The credits continue, only this time you are back in the bullet-hell mini-game used for hacking and the names in the credits are enemies. If you agree with it then you are embarked on one final mission. One suggests that, against its programming, it wants to save our characters. If you play both endings C and D, (the difference being whether you chose A2 or 9S in the final battle), then the credits will stop as the two PODs begin to talk to each other. The game is filled with tragedy but it was the end credits for ending E that really it me in the feels.īasically, the game ends with all of the characters dead. I want to write about a moment that made me surprisingly emotional. That isn’t what I want to write about today though. I got a lot of hours out of the game and fully recommend the game to everyone. I can safely say that this was resolved as the game progressed, especially in the case of 9S.

non spoiler dark souls 3 endings

In my initial review my biggest issue was with the characters.

non spoiler dark souls 3 endings

I will be talking about ending E so you have been warned. I have now completed the final main ending (E) and have some thoughts that I need to put to paper. I recently posted my review of Nier Automata after completing ending A.

Non spoiler dark souls 3 endings